The questionnaire is the base on which analysis and solution rests. Use the A2I Questionnaire Creation Tool (QCT) to create an entirely new questionnaire for a business situation or choose from A2I questionnaire templates for diverse industry and business contexts. A2I has a panel of experts who can assist in the definition of the business problem and research approach to create customized questionnaires.
The A2I platform is fully enabled to integrate with customer platforms. Customers can use their App and websites for data collection. The platform can push questionnaires to their front-end customer facing Apps or to collect data from channels they select.
The analysis engine is the pivot that converts data to information and actionable insights.Questionnaire data feeds into the analysis engine to enable statistical analysis. Statistical package R©
can be integrated for customized analysis. For typical routine analysis use of R© may not be required.
On the A2I platform customers can choose to do their own analysis or have the A2I do the analysis for their business context. A2I has a panel of experts who can assist in the analysis.
The data visualization tool converts analysis into easy to understand and actionable dashboards for decision making. The data visualization tool enables dashboards to be customized for what is relevant for different roles in the organization. A2I has integrated Izenda® BI tool on the platform. On the A2I platform customers can choose to prepare their own dashboards or have the A2I prepare dashboards.
The platform is engineered to push analysis and actionable insight dashboards to multiple devices. The customised dashboards for different roles and positions in the organization can be pushed to particular persons. Each person sees what is relevant to their functional responsibility. Customer dashboards can be connected to their web platforms and Apps, and even merged with their organization dashboards. This enables one view of the customer across the organization by integrating sources of data.